Global Trends and Research Patterns in Financial Literacy and Behavior: A Bibliometric Analysis
Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Bibliometric Analysis, Digital Tools, Financial InclusionAbstract
Financial literacy and behavior are pivotal for fostering personal economic stability and global financial resilience. This study utilizes bibliometric methods to analyze global research trends, identify key contributors, and explore thematic advancements in financial literacy and behavior over the decade 2014-2024. Data sourced from Dimensions.AI was systematically examined using VOSviewer to map collaboration networks, citation patterns, and emerging research themes. Findings reveal a significant rise in academic interest post-2020, driven by the heightened focus on financial resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study identifies the United States and European nations as leading contributors, while also highlighting emerging areas such as the role of digital tools, behavioral insights into financial decision-making, and sustainable financial practices. Addressing research gaps, particularly in underrepresented regions, the paper advocates for cross-disciplinary collaborations and innovative financial education strategies. Future directions emphasize integrating advanced technologies like AI and blockchain to enhance financial inclusion, bridge inequalities, and support sustainable economic growth globally.
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